Sony Playstation E3 Press Conference Over, Recap Time! | - Nextgen gaming news, downloads, media & more!

Sony Playstation E3 Press Conference Over, Recap Time!

15 07 2008

Playstation Logo

Alright everybody, we all know what happened yesterday, at Microsoft’s E3 - Final Fantasy XIII will now be released on the 360 as well as PS3. It is no longer a PS3 exclusive, however, the title Final Fantasy XIII Versus is still a PS3 exclusive, so it’s not all that bad.

Sony’s E3 press conference just finished, and I must say - some bombs have been dropped. The conference revealed some amazing upcoming titles and updates for Sony PS3, PS2 and PSP.

This is going to be one big-ass post and we don’t want to kill the homepage, so to view the full post and all the exciting details on new PS3 exclusives and software for this year’s Sony PS3 press conference, click below:

Playstation 3

The show began with Sony’s Playstation trailer, showing off several PS3, PS2 and PSP software and games. Immediately after the trailer, President of Sony Computer Entertainment America’s Jack Tretton walks on stage and introduces everybody to Playstation E3.

The first game which we got a close look at was Resistance 2. Ted Price, President and CEO of Insomniac Games gives everybody a quick briefing of Resistance 2. Ted unveils fantastic looking new Resistance 2 gameplay including part of the well talked about 300ft boss battle! The boss battle looks intense - you’re constantly being attacked by this beast and your bullets are pretty much doing nothing in order to take down the monster.

After the new gameplay clip is over, the new Resistance 2 trailer which we posted about earlier is displayed and the crowd are impressed.

Little Big Planet E3

After Resistance 2 was displayed and talked about, the popular upcoming PS3 game Little Big Planet was introduced. Alex Evans (One of the game developers behind Little Big Planet) demonstrates Little Big Planet. He shows off a custom level which displays PS3, PS2 and PSP hardware sales throughout the level. The game looks great fun, we’re looking forward to it.

Playstation 2 E3

Jack had moved on from talking about 2 PS3 games, to the PS2. That couldn’t be the only PS3 things they were mentioning, could it? To find out; read on.

Jack opens the PS2 speech with impressive sales numbers and other business related stuff for the PS2. He continues to announce many PS2 games which would be released from now until 2009 via a video, there were a lot of PS2 games shown, too many to list - infact, over 100 new games are arriving on the PS2 very soon! Following the future PS2 game list, Jack was pleased to announce that there would be a new PS2 bundle including the Batman Lego game to be released soon.

Playstation Network

Like with all the other categories, an opening speech is held by Jack Tretton. He discusses the number of Playstation Network users, the total number of downloads etc on the Playstation Network. Jack confirms that there has been over 180 million downloads since the PS3 was first released up until today.

A brand new Ratchet and Clank game will be hitting the Playstation Store this summer! The new title is called Ratchet & Clank: Quest for Booty and will be avaliable for as little as $14.99 (~£7.99) for a full game download. Impressive.

Several other games will also be arriving on the Playstation Store very soon! New, confirmed Playstation Network titles are introduced by Jack and displayed through a big game trailer! SIREN: Blood Curse, Flower, Fat Princess, Ragdoll & Kungfu, PixelJunk: Eden and PAIN: Amusement Park are all games which will be avaliable to download from the Playstation Store. We can’t wait!

Racing game fans will be pleased to know that Gran Turismo 5 Prologue will soon be receiving car shows such as Top Gear avaliable for download through the Gran Turismo TV option in the Gran Turismo 5 Prologue.

We get a quick look at how far Playstation Home has developed since it’s last E3 announcement in 2007. The application certainly looks awesome and is confirmed for a Fall/Autumn BETA release. Yes, that’s right; you’re able to use Home this Fall/Autumn with yourself and friends.

At roughly 50 minutes into the show, Eric Lempel (Director of Playstation Network Operations) walks into the conference and has some big news to announce. Sony Computer Entertainment have teamed up with Sony Pictures, Fox Film, MGM Studios, Paramount, Lionsgate, Warner Brothers, Disney and many more movie/TV publishers. If you haven’t guessed it already, movies and TV will be avaliable to download and rent from the Playstation store!

Playstation 3 Video Store

Eric Lempel reveals a new section to the Playstation Store built especially for movie and TV purchases. At the store, you have the option to either purchase the movie and keep it forever, or rent it. Renting a movie for a limited time means that you can watch the movie as many times in that time period and them somehow, the movie will be automatically deleted when the renting time expires. As well as watching these movies at home on your TV, you can also watch them on the move. You’re able to transfer the movie or TV show directly across to the PSP.

Sounds great huh? But you know what’s even more exciting?! The new video store will be avaliable for us all tonight! Yes that’s right folks, TONIGHT! We expect this will arrive as a new firmware update, v2.50.


Jack Tretton opens the PSP E3 announcements just like the PS3 and PS2 announcements; hardware sales and other general PSP gaming topics are discussed.

A surprise which Tretton had install for PSP users, a new game named Resistance Retribution will be arriving to the PSP in Spring 2009. Unlike Resistance on the PS3, Resistance Retribution is a 3rd person shooter. Tretton also mentioned a few new PSP games coming soon: LocoRoco 2, Patapon 2, NBA 09: Inside, Super Stardust Portable, Buzz! Master Quiz, Valkyria Chronicles and Midnight Club: Los Angeles Remix.

Playstation 3 E3

Yeah! More PS3 E3 stuff for us, Sony had us getting worried…

Tretton announces that “Life With Playstation” will be real avaliable for all PS3 users by the end of this month! If you’re unsure what Life With Playstation is, it’s baiscally real time news and weather reports directly to your PS3. You’ll be able to keep up to date with all the latest news headlines and weather reports. You’ll be able to find out which day will be bright and sunny and will be able to decide which day to have that day outing with your friends. It literally is, life with Playstation.

At about an hour and 15 minutes into the conference, Jim Lee walks onto the stage, does a few one handed press-ups(!) and displays the new upcoming game DC Universe Online showing what the developers have created so far.

From now on, the PS3 80GB model will be Sony’s main focus. The PS3 80GB will be sold “core”, this means no bundle as it’s been advertised in the past. Basically, you’re buying the 40GB PS3, but with an 80GB hard drive for $399.

God of War PS3 E3

Towards the end of the PS3 E3 conference, some more great news from the mouth of Jack Tretton emerged! God of War 3 has been confirmed to be released on the PS3, and we’re treated with a short trailer with Kratos shouting “In the end, there will be only chaos!”. The graphics just look simply stunning, we’ll post a video here when the trailer is released to the internet.


Finally, to finish the conference off, one more PS3 exclusive game had been announced. “MAG”, Massive Action Game, unveiled by Andy Beaudoin. The game is said to have online battles with up to 256 players in one lobby! The game will be based on squad team games within these battles, similar to SOCOM we guess. The trailer which is shown looked epic, we can’t wait to hear more from Sony on this. Check out the “MAG” trailer below:

And that is Playstation E3 2008, we think it’s pretty much successful after what happened with Microsoft. Are you excited? We are.



12 responses to “Sony Playstation E3 Press Conference Over, Recap Time!”

15 07 2008
Smallman (23:57:25) :

Cheers dave Good stuff let m no when more stuff come up :D

16 07 2008
InVidiouSkater (01:12:38) :

Sickk Cant wait for MAG and those other great shooters good article keep me posted on new stuff… PSN- InVidiouSkater

16 07 2008
Sony Playstation E3 conference, what we’ve been told. | - Nextgen gaming news, downloads, media & more! (02:28:16) :

[...] Click here to find out what REALLY happened as this years Playstation [...]

16 07 2008
Anonymous (02:37:17) :

too bad about ff13, I was hoping that it would really boost sales on teh ps3, it still might, but more likely it will just help teh 360 along.

But man, the rest of teh games look epic.

16 07 2008
Chris (02:53:55) :

Great conference, one of the best I’d have to say. MAG, LittleBigPlanet, God of War, Resistance, and Killzone look amazing.

16 07 2008
PSN,Shaundee08 (08:30:11) :

Darn it this is kool PS3 is rising man, we’ll get more stuff in FFXIII than crapbox360 haha,

16 07 2008
PSN,Shaundee08 (08:34:16) :

Damn this is so so kool

16 07 2008
New Trends » Blog Archive » curse gaming (14:04:37) :

[...] Sony Playstation E3 Press Conference Over, Recap Time!SIREN: Blood Curse, Flower, Fat Princess, Ragdoll & Kungfu, PixelJunk: Eden and PAIN: Amusement Park are all games which will be avaliable to download from the Playstation Store. We can’t wait! Racing game fans will be pleased to know … - [...]

16 07 2008
Hot Trends » Blog Archive » curse gaming (15:58:27) :

[...] Sony Playstation E3 Press Conference Over, Recap Time!SIREN: Blood Curse, Flower, Fat Princess, Ragdoll & Kungfu, PixelJunk: Eden and PAIN: Amusement Park are all games which will be avaliable to download from the Playstation Store. We can’t wait! Racing game fans will be pleased to know … - [...]

16 07 2008
Neil :P (17:52:35) :

cool looks good wanna see more :P

18 07 2008
Anonymous (16:25:56) :

there is no pain update

4 09 2008
ps2 (12:09:27) :


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